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LIFE FORMS STILL LIVING, Bottlecap Press (2023)

"Life Forms Still Living is a poetry collection that grapples with what it means to be a creature on an ailing planet, and where, then, to put what is most human within us—love, despair, longing.


In poems woven through with prose, as well as sketches by artist Melissa Sobin, Lindus uses humor to examine the everyday contradictions we carry—witnessing the horrors of climate change while hoping for a child; accepting the smallness of a single life while mourning the loss of a friend—and to probe the existential malaise of our current moment.

What happens when the water rises too high? When the apocalypse comes knocking? How do we live well as we’re dying? And where do we turn for meaning when the night sky won’t yield its mysteries? Full of fire and floods but also tender moments of humanity, 
Life Forms Still Living invokes, interrogates, and reimagines our myths as it seeks some semblance of peace—beauty, even—in our shared fate."



Crush, X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine

At a wedding with hair curled and waist cinched into a rust-colored dress..., Autofocus

I Idolized My High School Teacher..., Huff Post

At a bar in my hometown and pointingRejection Letters

For a fangirl on his fifty-third birthday, JMWW

Epitaph, Lost Balloon Magazine

Waiting Room, Cloves Literary


The Fact That You’re Smiling, Medium (Honorable Mention, Medium Writers Challenge) 

My Winter of Harry Styles, P.S. I Love You


So many men I've tried hard to forget..., HAD

I have called you by name, you are mineRoi Fainéant Press

Thank you note, Brave Voices Magazine

Back to it, Full House Literary

A poem about bananasBullshit Anthology

Chemtrails, Roi Fainéant Press

Year of the TigerFatal Flaw Literary Magazine

Museum of Natural History, The Jupiter Review

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Chapbook available from Bottlecap Press (2023)

© 2014 Kelsi Lindus

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